Who We Are


Justice Advocacy Africa (JAA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting confidence in African legal judicial systems. We accomplish this through professional advocacy training programs for African lawyers. 

Since 2009, we have trained over 1,000 African lawyers and nearly 200 of those have been through our programs in Malawi, Uganda, Kenya and Botswana. We partner with African organizations such as law societies, universities, law schools, and human rights organizations.


Make A Difference

We welcome volunteer advocacy trainers from outside Africa to assist with the advocacy training and provide them mentoring. Our volunteers pay their own way. All trainers train pro bono; we promote pro bono as a part of our programs.

If you are a African lawyer and would like to learn get involved, or are interested in making positive changes to the African legal judicial system, contact us immediately. We look forward to hearing from you.

Other programs are sometimes offered on an ad hoc basis. Instructor trainings are offered on as as needed basis.


Read About An Experience

"My experience with the lawyers of Uganda was the most exciting and fulfilling teaching experience of my life. I would enthusiastically recommend it to anyone who wants to make a meaningful contribution to the world of trial lawyering and have an intimate view of beautiful country and its culture."